Sunday, March 23, 2008

Well, as most of my friends know, I’m pretty into this year’s Primary/Caucus/Election for White House fame. I watch too much CNN/Fox News/MSNBC/etc. and read way too many blogs about the situation. So, when I saw this highly detailed replica of The White House, I have to admit I was a little too excited. I’m a fan of things in miniature and creative ways of approaching the dollhouse phenomena (oh dear: I’m making bad puns in my head that I’ll keep to myself). Jan and John Zweifel have created this highly version:

“This model is meant to replicate the White House as it is today. John and Jan Zweifel and a dedicated corps of family and friends have spent more than 500,000 hours over 38 years building this 50-foot replica. On a scale of one foot to one inch, every piece of furniture is hand carved, every rug is hand stitched, and every wall is hand painted.

John Zweifel strongly believes that the White House belongs to American citizens. He has spent decades collecting measurements, matching upholstery colors, and memorizing architectural details, hoping to make an accurate replica of the White House available to the millions of Americans who have never travelled to Washington to see the original.

Since 1976, an estimated 43 million people in America and around the world have seen-in miniature-many of the White House rooms that are not included on the public tour. The Zweifels update the decorative details in their White House miniature to reflect changes made during each new administration.”

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