Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Denis Leary, Daniel Danger, Flight of the Conchords, Nancy Dorsner

"I was always one of those people who never took no for an answer. Whether it was girls or work or sports or acting, when someone told me I wasn’t good enough I found another way to prove them wrong. … Every time I hear the word 'no' I think 'yes.' Every time someone says it’s against the rules I wonder why the rules exist. I don’t run home with my tail between my legs — I bang down the door to find out what’s on the other side."

-- Denis Leary
Artist = Nancy Dorsner
I love this Daniel Danger poster for Flight of the Conchords.
I tried posting the image here, but it's too small. Click the link for somethin' pretty.


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Заранее спасибо всем, кто откликнется и примет участие в моём скромном исследовании.